报告题目:Are there multi-quark hadrons?
报 告 人:郑海扬 特聘研究员(台湾中央研究院物理所)
The quark model has been applied very successfully in describing the
mesons and baryons and their properties. It is known that all the established mesons
are made of a quark and an antiquark, while baryons are composed of three
quarks. In principle, hadrons composed with more than three valence quarks are
not prohibited by the fundamental theory of strong interactions, namely the
so-called QCD. In this talk I"ll examine the status of the multi-quark hadrons,
including tetraquark mesons, pentquark baryons and hexaquark mesons. We also
explain why the quark model often encounters a great challenge in understanding
scalar mesons.
郑海扬教授,台湾中央研究院特聘研院员。1980年美国普渡大学 (Purdue University)博士,80年代中期先后在Brandeis University,
Indiana University 等地展开研究工作。 1988年任台湾中央研究院物理所研究员,2012年至今任特聘研究员。郑教授常年与SUNY at Stony Brook, Brookhaven National Lab有合作访问关系。郑教授曾组织 25届国际高能会议 (XXV ICHEP,1990)的CP 分会;担任 Chinese Journal of Physics 编辑、主编;担任台湾国科会自然处物理学门审议委员、台湾国科会自然处咨议委员;曾担任台湾高能实验筹委会主席;中研院物理所副所长。郑教授获得的荣誉有G.W.
Tautfest Memorial Award (Purdue University), Chester Davis Fellowship (Indiana
University), 获国科会杰出奖(多次),台湾物理学会会士,APS 杰出审稿人等。